Characterized by some as one of the world’s most valuable multipurpose trees, the horseradish tree has been dubbed “the miracle tree.” A pale yellow, nondrying oil in the seeds has a mild, nutty §avor. The chief commercial use of the horseradish tree is as a source of this oil, known as ben oil, ben nut oil, and behen oil. It is used for light lubrication (as in watches and other delicate machinery), perfumery, artwork, and cosmetics as well as for culinary purposes. This seed oil has also been used for illumination as it burns without producing smoke. Additionally, it is used as a hair dressing and for making soap. Ben oil is also obtained from other species of Moringa. The horseradish tree is widely grown as an ornamental in many tropical countries and is sometimes planted in southern California and southern Florida. Seeds are available from some horticultural supply sources, and the horseradish tree is sometimes grown as a potted plant. It can be grown as an annual in cold areas.