The principles of permutation and bootstrap tests can also be applied in the

case of more than two groups. In the simplest case of a completely randomized

design with k independent groups, the permutations are the possible alloca-

tions of the observations to the k groups. Possible test statistics include the

rank-based Kruskal-Wallis statistic and the F statistic of the one-way anal-

ysis of variance (ANOVA). By analogy with the two-sample Fisher-Pitman

permutation test (section 2.1) the F statistic can be computed for every per-

mutation, and the resulting permutation null distribution can be used for

inference instead of the F distribution. For this permutation test there are

other equivalent test statistics. For example, the mean square between the

groups, that is, the numerator of the F statistic, can be used as the test

statistic (Manly, 2007, p. 136).