Outsourcing started in the 1980s in the manufacturing sector. It was essentially used to cut costs. Gradually other industries like information technology, pharmaceuticals, health care, financial services, etc., embraced it because of its sound business proposition. As populations begin to shrink, it is estimated that about 5 people will move out of the global economy for every new entrant by 2016. Women’s share in the global outsourcing workforce will continue to rise. Regional disparities will continue to fall. Innovation and implementation currently dominated by America and Europe will shift significantly to India and China in the future. Technological power play will shift from the West to the East as India and China rise out over the outsourcing horizon. The ability of countries like India to produce quality outsourcing services acts as a significant driver. Speed, scale, large-scale qualified labor, and low costs have contributed to the outsourcing juggernaut, which has given a significant boost to global business and economy.