Abrasion collar Abrasion margin Automatic gun, pistol Bifurcation Bullet burn Bullet pellet and cartridge case Burp gun Cartridge markings Collateral damage Colt 45 Derringer pistol Double entry; double exit Fabric holes and perforations Fleeing felon; hot pursuit Focal and local Focal tissue damage Fragmentation ammunition Gun availability Gunpowder residue Handgun history: stolen, sold, found, traded, discarded, passed on,

borrowed, lost, pawned, hidden, thrown away, destroyed, melted down, licensed, photographed, tested ballistically, put on eBay, manufactured, rebuilt, rebored, cleaned, stored

Handgun policy

Hot lead Irreversible chemical reaction Needless loss of life Perforation (what bullets do to tissues!) Perforation as a verb and a noun Primer chemistry Ricochet Secondary shockwave damage without perforation Shored wound Tissue disruption and tearing


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