Collection with microscopic smearing and staining of vaginal pool specimens, scrapings of the cervix, dried or moist mucus from hair,

and digital storage is necessary

Review of all specimens receiving microscopic examination at medical and forensic laboratories with photography and digital storage

Ultrasound vaginal recording

Anal Žssure Assaulted female Žndings Bacterial vaginosis Bite mark castings Bull’s-eye injury Coitus, copulation, concubitus Colposcopy Consensual intercourse Ecchymosis E§ective testimony Evidence: prepare, interview, examine, record Follow-up examination Genital and perianal anatomy Hymenal tag and cle¤ Male sexual assault Median raphe (commissure) Nabothian cysts Nonassault injury Patient self-help Pornography Posttraumatic stress disorder Rape trauma syndrome Sexual assault Sexual assault nurse examiner Sodomy and fellatio Special techniques Tanner stages of sex maturity Tears, ecchymoses, abrasions, redness, swelling (TEARS) Venereal warts Victorian mores

Books and Articles
