Unprovoked attacks by sharks on humans are traumatic events that may sometimes have tragic consequences. One of the species most commonly associated with shark attacks is the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias), the world’s largest predatory ¢sh. The White Shark’s seasonal distribution along some coastlines and natural predatory tactics provide ample potential for interactions with humans utilizing the ocean, and its large size gives it the potential to in·ict serious injuries if an attack is initiated. Unprovoked attacks by White Sharks on humans, however infrequent, tend to draw signi¢cant and often exaggerated attention from the media and general public, and pressure is often placed on local governmental organizations (public safety, law enforcement, ¢sheries agencies, etc.) to respond in some manner to prevent further attacks. The purpose of this chapter is to review records of White Shark attacks and provide recommendations to help organizations make informed decisions when responding to White Shark attacks. Included are facts on White Shark biology, attack statistics, and a review of response plans that have been implemented in various sites around the world. The recommendations are intended to help reduce sensationalistic, irrational, or ineffective responses by decision makers and bene¢t the beach-going public as well as vulnerable White Shark populations.