In this chapter, interesting cases due to poisoning by plant toxins are presented. ­e ˆrst case is about jimson weed poisoning. In addition, published articles in the popular press are also presented to highlight the toxicity of jimson weed. ­e second case involves castor bean toxicity. Castor bean contains ricin, one of the deadliest poisons known to humans. An interesting case published in the popular press, where ricin was successfully used to commit assassination, is presented. ­e third case involves mushroom poisoning, highlighting the use of serum biomarkers for liver necrosis and liver regeneration, in predicting the outcome of the patient. Excellent books are available on plant toxins and they need to be consulted for detailed study. Several drugs of abuse, such as cocaine, are extracted from coca plants. Historically, plant extracts were used by humans to kill beasts in hunting, as well as to kill enemies in war. Police can identify marijuana plants and they can identify the smell of a marijuana smoke, but they are not trained to identify other toxic plants. Emergency room physicians seek the collaboration of a plant taxonomist. Oªentimes, plants and their extracts are used to get high as they are not controlled substances, and also detection by police could be evaded.