According to the People’s Republic of China Initial

National Communication on Climate Change

(2004), China’s 1994 national greenhouse gas inven-

tories covered the emissions and sinks of carbon

dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide from 5 sectors,

namely, energy, industrial processes, agriculture,

land-use changes and forestry, and waste. As shown

in Table1-1, the national total amount of carbon dio-

xide emissions in 1994 was 3,073 million tons, and

carbon reduction from land-use change and forestry

was about 407 million tons. After deducting the car-

bon sink, the net emission of carbon dioxide in 1994

was 2,666 million tons (about 727 million tons of

carbon), and the per capita emission was about 0.6

ton carbon/year. The total amount of methane emis-

sions in China in 1994 was approximately 34.29 mil-

lion tons and that of nitrous oxide was about 0.85

million tons (The People’s Republic of China Initial

National Communication on Climate Change 2004).