Each of the Sections 1 to 7 shows the anatomy of a full analysis. We have followed a standard notation and, hopefully, the reader will be able to use

them with any software of his or her choice. Each section presents the setup of the experiment. However, we must also warn the reader that where appropriate, these include alternative restricted and unrestricted models (Searle, 1971), and Model 1 and Model 2 designs (Newman et al., 1997). Refer to the protocols in Doncaster (2007) and Doncaster and Davey (2007) to see which mean squares are used for the F-ratio denominators and, consequently, how many error degrees of freedom are available for testing signicance. The examples have not used post hoc pooling though this may be an option or an alternative to some quasi F-ratios, and the underlying assumptions have not been evaluated though this would need to be done for real data sets.