Psoas minor (Figs. 37, 41, 42, 43) • Usual attachments: From the anterolateral surface of L1 (Kohlbrügge 1890-

1892; Hepburn 1892; Sigmon 1979). An origin from the last thoracic vertebra is present in half of the hylobatids reported by Sigmon (1974) and an origin form L2 may also be present (Kohlbrügge 1890-1892; Hepburn 1892). In a single hylobatid specimen dissected by Kohlbrügge (1890-1892) the origin extends further inferiorly to L3. According to Sigmon (1974) in hylobatids the psoas minor also takes origin from the intervertebral discs and lies on the anteromedial surface of the psoas major, being fused with the latter muscle in two-thirds of the hylobatids reported by this author and in all the three

hylobatids in which we examined this feature in detail (H. lar specimens HU HL1 and GWU HL1, H. gabriellae specimen VU HG2). The psoas minor inserts onto the iliopubic eminence and the pectineal line (Hepburn 1892; Sigmon 1974).