We took photographs of the musculoskeletal system of all dissected hylobatid specimens, but the muscle weights listed in this atlas are from the H. gabriellae specimen VU HG2 (total body weight = 5.200 kg), which was a fresh specimen that was in particularly good condition. The photographs of the osteological structures shown in this atlas are from the H. gabriellae specimen HU HG2 and the H. klossii specimen VU HK1. In the text below, we provide for each muscle: 1) its weight in

the H. gabriellae VU HG2 specimen (it is not possible to accurately measure the mass of all the muscles, but when it can be measured the value we obtained is given in parentheses immediately following the name of the muscle; when the muscle is paired, e.g., stylohyoideus, the weight given is that of the muscle of one side of the body; when the muscle is unpaired, e.g., arytenoideus transversus, the weight given is that of half of the muscle, i.e., also from a single side of the body); 2) the most common attachments and innervation of the muscle within hylobatids, based on our dissections and on our literature review; 3) comparative notes, for instance in those cases where there are differences (e.g., regarding the presence/absence of the muscle, or of its bundles, its attachments, and/or its innervation) between the configuration usually found in hylobatids and the configuration found in a specimen dissected by us (in these cases we often provide photographs to illustrate the differences) or by others; 4) a list of the synonyms that have been used by other authors to designate that muscle.