As the impacts of land-use and land-cover (LULC) change on carbon dynamics, climate change, hydrology, and biodiversity have been recognized, modeling of this transformational force has become increasingly important. Given the wide variety of applications that rely on the availability of LULC projections, modeling approaches have originated from a variety of disciplines, including geography, landscape ecology, economics, biology, and others. Initial modeling was often isolated within each discipline, but multidisciplinary modeling frameworks were developed as LULC modelers began to integrate the socioeconomic and biophysical components of LULC change. The empirical and theoretical basis for this work falls within land-use science, and this ‡eld documents both land-use and land-cover change, explains the coupled human-environment dynamics that produce the changes, and provides tools for producing spatially explicit LULC models (Mertens and Lambin, 1999; Rindfuss et al., 2004).