The chemical/electrochemical method is one of the oldest methods to produce nanomaterials. In this method the primary materials would be solved in an ordinary solvent rst, and then the deposition agent would be added. Nonaqueous solvents are usable in this method so that they would have many advantages. For instance, more parameters would exist to improve the conditions of interaction (stable deposition agent in a nonaqueous environment, reduction potentials, etc.). The deposition agent can be a complex, reducing, or oxidation factor. Then it is possible to stabilize nanoparticles in various ways after their formation, for instance by space methods, electrostatic methods, or a combination of both. One of the most important advantages of this method is that there is no need to use professional equipment, and it can be used by equipment and tools that exist in a chemistry or physics laboratory easily.1-5

One of the simplest ways to fabricate nanoparticles is to deposit low-soluble materials from their aqua solvents that would change to oxide then due to thermal decomposition. The codeposition reaction includes nucleation, growth, and coagulation (making clots) procedure. Due to problems in studying and separating each process, the exact mechanism of the codeposition method is not completely recognized. Reactions of deposition are the oldest techniques of procuring nanomaterials. Primary materials are solved in an ordinary solvent rst in this reaction, and then the deposition agent would be added.