Food security is a pressing issue for the international community (Clothier et al. 2010). Rockström et al. (2010) discuss the need for changes in the management of water in rainfed systems to address food security. They highlight the need for more effective management of water at river-basin scales. Molle et al. (2010) discuss the impact that human water uses have made on the environment of rivers. Turral et al. (2010) discuss the need for greater investment in irrigation schemes, not new schemes but better management of existing schemes. To summarize their work, water is in short supply; human uses of water harm the environment; without better management of water, we will be faced with both inadequate food and further environmental degradation. Making effective changes in water management is a slow process. As Turral et al. (2010) point out, there is no silver bullet. It is a large-scale problem that has to be solved locally-for each farm, project, and watershed. Too often, watershed-scale solutions are needed, yet farmers make individual decisions based on their individual constraints. These are often in con¥ict.