Now that the SignalPropagationDirect() and SignalPropagationSystemOfEqua tions() functions have been shown to work consistently and predictably for a range of models, further additions and reŸnements may be made to the DiagramEng application to enhance its usefulness. The following instructions indicate how to place an Edit box control, of type CEdit, on a toolbar, which can be used to display the time value t ∈ [t0, tf] (s) of the simulation and the execution time texe (s) required, where t0 and tf are the initial and Ÿnal time points, respectively. The instructions presented in the ensuing sections follow the work of Chapman [1] (Chapter 12, pp. 257-270), where Chapman discusses the placement of a Combo box on a toolbar that accepts user input and displays selected output. Here, however, a read-only Edit box is introduced that simply displays time-based output, i.e., t and texe.