Because the model is overparameterised (more parameters than can be uniquely estimated from the data), the group effects need to be constrained

in some way, most usually by requiring that ∑ α = =

1 , where k is the num-

ber of groups. The hypothesis of the equality of group means can be written in terms of the group effects as

H0 : α1 = α2 = … = αk = 0 (6.2)

The total variation in the observations is partitioned into that due

observations within groups. Under the hypothesis of the equality of group means, both the between-group variance and the within-group variance are estimates of σ2. Thus, an F-test of the equality of the two variances provides a test of H0. The necessary terms for calculating the required F-test are usually arranged in an analysis of variance table as shown in Table 6.2.