Information has become one of the basic needs and important elements for survival in knowledge-based societies. Looking into the perspective of postgraduate students, they occasionally use information for personal and educational purposes hence their behaviour of seeking for information will be dissimilar due to differences in human behaviour. Wilson (2000) defined ISB as a learning process and information that people seek, give, and use which are based on different context such as in everyday living, the workforce place or educational institutions while Ajiboye and Tella (2007) described ISB as the means of individual or group of community required and accumulate for information in order to fulfil their personal use, knowledge improvement and development. There are number of reasons that lead the behaviour of individual in their choice of information, which includes course of studies, age, level, and religion, particularly among postgraduate students (Owolobi, Jimoh & Okpeh, 2010). There are no comprehensive study on this matter mainly in Hospitality and Tourism courses thus there is a need to fill the gap.