In both statistical mechanics and quantum eld theory, the Euler{Lagrange equations for interacting systems, such as (11.26) in the Ginzburg{Landau treatment of a ferromagnet or (8.43) for a non-Abelian gauge theory, are nonlinear equations governing the behaviour of elds such as the magnetization density M(x) or the gauge eld A(x). Until now, we have dealt with the nonlinearities perturbatively (apart from our qualitative discussion of QCD in Section 12.5, where we saw that perturbation theory works only at high energies). That is to say, we have identied constant values of the elds that represent the most stable state of the system by minimizing an appropriate potential or free energy, and treated uctuations about these constant values as excitations that interact only weakly. In quantum eld theory (other than conning theories such as QCD), the quantized `excitations' of the vacuum state are, of course, the particles observed by experimenters.