Drip irrigation is an efficient method of irrigation application and is extensively used in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. The system consists of applying water slowly and frequently into the soil with emitters or drippers distributed throughout the laterals (drip lines). The obstruction of the filters, the distribution lines, or the emitters is a main problem associated with the operation and management of a drip irrigation

system [2, 9, 11]. These obstructions are caused by physical agents (solid particles in suspension), chemicals agents (precipitation of insoluble compounds), or biological agents (macro and microorganisms). The preventive maintenance is the best solution to reduce or to eliminate the obstructions in the emitters or components of the system [1]. The chlorination is an addition of chlorine to water [11]. The chlorine, when it dissolves, acts as an oxidation agent and attacks the microorganisms, such as the algae, fungi, and bacteria. This procedure has been used for many decades to purify the drinking water [3]. Chloration is an injection of chlorine compounds through the irrigation system. The chloration solves effectively and economically the problem of obstruction of the emitters or drippers due to biological agents. Caution: Do not use any chemical agent through the drip system without consulting a specialist [9, 10, 11, 12].