Hp = surge wave head at pipeline points-intersection points of characteristic lines (m)

Vp = surge wave velocity at pipeline points-intersection points of characteristic lines (m/s) G = gravitational acceleration constant (m/s2) Vri = surge wave velocity at right hand side of intersection points of characteristic lines (m/s) Hri = surge wave head at right hand side of intersection points of characteristic lines (m) Vle = surge wave velocity at left hand side of intersection points of characteristic lines (m/s) Hle = surge wave head at left hand side of intersection points of characteristic lines (m) C‾ = characteristic lines with negative slope

C+ = characteristic lines with positive slope

Min = Minimum

Max = Maximum

Lab = Laboratory


This chapter presents the application of computational performance of a numerical method by a dynamic model. The model has been presented by method of the Eulerian based expressed in a method of characteristics (MOC). It has been defined by finite difference form for heterogeneous model with varying state in the system. Present work offered MOC as a computational approach from theory to practice in numerical analysis modeling. Therefore, it is computationally efficient for transient flow irreversibility prediction in a practical case. In this work reclamation numerical analysis modeling showed the lining method as the best construction way for reclamation of damaged water transmission line.