Fetal compromise A chronic situation arising from suboptimal conditions for growth and neurological development

Small for dates The fetus or infant is below the 10th centile for estimated fetal weight or post-natal birthweight

Intra-uterine growth restriction Failure of the fetus to reach its expected growth potential

Symmetrical growth restriction Fetal head and abdomen circumference are proportionally small

Asymmetrical growth restriction The fetal head circumference is large compared with the abdominal circumference. The result of placental insufficiency


= Procedure: = measurement of the fetal abdomen and head circumference after the

first trimester. = Interpretation of results:

= the rate of growth is calculated from serial scans performed at least 2 weeks apart;

= growth restriction is identified as symmetrical or asymmetrical. = Advantages:

= ultrasound is safe and can confirm consistent growth. = Disadvantages:

= operator inaccuracies can occur.