Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous disease of

unknown cause that is characterized by enhanced cellular

hypersensitivity at sites of involvement. The lesions of

sarcoidosis may be confined to one organ or disseminated

widely. Autopsy studies show that asymptomatic sarcoidosis

is much more common than is realized clinically (Hager-

strand and Linell 1964). Lymph nodes, the lungs, liver,

spleen, skin and eyes are the organs most commonly affected,

but virtually any part of the body may be involved. The

distribution of the lesions is consistent with the lungs being

the portal of entry of an unknown causative agent, the lymph

nodes being affected by lymphatic spread from the lungs, and

other organs being involved by a combination of lymphatic

and blood spread, a situation entirely analogous with that in
