Anorectal anomalies present with a spectrum of defects. This

spectrum extends from patients with minor malformations

that require minimal treatment who usually achieve excellent

surgical results, to patients who are very sick with a complex

defect. These more critical patients pose a serious technical

challenge, and typically do not achieve perfect bowel, urinary,

and sexual function despite accurate anatomic reconstruction.

A newborn with an anorectal malformation may represent a

surgical emergency related to intestinal obstruction or asso-

ciated urologic or gastrointestinal defects requiring aggressive

and efficient management. Other patients with these defects

do not represent an emergency because they have a fistula that

allows intestinal decompression. In these cases, the repair of

the defect can become an elective procedure or, if the baby is in

good condition, can be definitively managed in the newborn
