This chapter presents the case study of a 47-year-old woman. A 47-year-old woman is seen in the dermatology clinic with a 5-month history of itchy eruption consisting of lesions mainly on her feet but also scattered on her legs. She does not complain of any symptoms in her mouth or involving the genital area. On questioning she had noticed that some of her nails have become slightly brittle and are liable to splitting. No one else in the family is currently affected, although she thinks her mother had suffered with a similar skin eruption some years previously. She is otherwise well and not taking any regular medication. There are multiple, discrete, purplish, shiny flat-topped papules over the dorsum of her feet; some of the lesions have a lacy white pattern over their surface. A number of her fingernails have longitudinal ridges on them with ‘V-shaped’ nicks. Her mouth, genital region and scalp are all normal.