This chapter presents the case study of a 31-year-old woman. A 31-year-old woman presents during the 35th week of her first pregnancy. She is very anxious about the development of extremely itchy ‘lines’ over her abdomen over the last two days. She is otherwise well with an unremarkable antenatal history to date. Her dates are confirmed on ultrasound scanning. She has no previous history of skin problems. She has striking erythematous, linear, urticated lesions in a concentric and, in some areas, coalescing distribution over her pregnancy-distended abdomen. The eruption corresponds with the striae distensae and there is sparing of the umbilicus. She has a few similar lesions over her upper thighs. She is normotensive and the remainder of her examination is normal. It is of note that according to her antenatal notes she has gained 5 kg since her last antenatal check 3 weeks ago.