This chapter presents the case study of a 39-year-old patient. A 39-year-old patient presents to her GP with a rash of fairly sudden onset, which initially affected her chest and arms and then spread to her back. She had noticed that the eruption started as small red spots that were dry and scaly, which then spread out in a ring-shape. She was worried she might have caught ring-worm in the school where she works. However, it seemed to start after her recent holiday in Spain. The rash is asymptomatic. She has no previous history of skin problems, and is otherwise well. There is an erythematous eruption predominantly affecting her face, neck, trunk and proximal limbs. The lesions are annular in appearance, sharply defined with an overlying surface scale. The lesions display central regression and coalesce to give a polycyclic appearance. Her scalp nails and mucosae are normal.