This chapter presents the case study of a 67-year-old woman. A 67-year-old woman presents to the vascular surgeons with varicose veins. She had a history of venous ulceration in the past, which has healed and she is being considered for bilateral varicose vein surgery. At the consultation she complained of a 3-month history of skin itching and redness, particularly on the right lower leg, and was noted to have unilateral erythema and was referred to dermatology for an opinion. Palpation revealed warm, dry, rough skin at the affected site. The affected skin is pruritic and dry with marked erythema which may be variable in intensity depending on its chronicity. In the context of venous insufficiency, pitting oedema may develop owing to poor venous return leaving the skin tight and oedematous. Varicose eczema usually develops slowly, is frequently bilateral, pruritus is marked, the skin surface is rough and dry, and there are associated varicose veins.