This chapter presents the case study of a 59-year-old bus driver. A 59-year-old bus driver presents with a 5-month history of a persistent itchy patch below his umbilicus. Initially it began as an intermittent eruption, coming and going in an apparently random pattern; over the past six weeks, since the weather became warmer, it has persisted. Occasionally, psoriasis may present with a single plaque, particularly at a site of trauma; however, it is rarely as pruritic as the eruption. Atopic dermatitis is usually a more generalized and diffuse eruption; however discoid or nummular eczema is characterized by fairly well defined, coin-shaped, intensely pruritic inflamed areas of lichenified skin. If a patch test series confirms the presence of nickel allergy, its relevance to the eruption should be confirmed. A dimethylglyoxime test is a simple, inexpensive way to determine whether the object in question contains nickel by a pink colour change.