This chapter presents the case study of a 4-year-old girl. A 4-year-old girl is admitted to hospital with painful raw areas in her axillae, neck and groin. These have developed over 24 hours. Her skin had initially become erythematous and inflamed before peeling off to leave large superficial eroded areas in her flexures. This child looked unwell and had tender skin. There was extensive erythema and desquamation in her groin and axillae leading to a diagnosis of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS). Children may be pyrexial and appear unwell; they do not want their skin to be touched at the affected sites owing to tenderness/pain. The patient was admitted to hospital and treated with oral flucloxacillin plus topical combination fusidic acid and hydrocortisone. This child had several episodes of SSSS over a few months. Swabs from family members and close contacts were negative for S. aureus nasal carriage.