This chapter presents the case study of a 46-year-old housewife. A 46-year-old housewife with known multisystem sarcoidosis comes for a regular follow-up visit to the dermatology clinic. She complains of an increasing number of asymptomatic skin lesions on her limbs. She also mentions soreness between her fingers where the skin has started to break down. She is slightly breathless at rest and looks mildly cushingoid. The skin between her fingers is erythematous with superficial white maceration and ulceration forming deep fissures. Management of Candida intertrigo includes trying to ensure the skin is kept as dry as possible to make the local skin environmentally hostile to the yeast. Antifungal treatments can be given orally or applied topically. Many dermatologists will try to manage localized disease with a topical combination antifungal cream plus anti-inflammatory steroid. This patient needed to remain on her systemic corticosteroids and therefore oral fluconazole was given to try to help eliminate the Candida intertrigo over a few weeks.