This chapter presents the case study of a 28-year-old Turkish Cypriot man. A 28-year-old Turkish Cypriot man came to the United Kingdom to visit relatives for a few months. During his visit he noticed that a small erythematous lesion on his nose was increasing in size and his relatives brought him to the accident and emergency department. There is an erythematous nodule at the root of the nose; the overlying epidermis is normal but there is an indurated swelling in the dermis which is firm on palpation. There is no ulceration or evidence of telangiectasia within the lesion. The skin histopathology from the lesion showed ill-defined granulomas with lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils, there was no evidence of vasculitis. Localized cutaneous leishmaniasis is usually a self-limiting disease with most lesions healing within 5–15 months. Lesions usually heal with scarring. Treatment aims are to heal lesions more rapidly and try to reduce scarring.