This chapter presents the case study of a 35-year-old woman. A 35-year-old woman presents to the dermatology clinic with several skin lesions over sun-exposed sites. A few lesions on the dorsi of her hands had become slightly tender but are otherwise asymptomatic. More she has developed a rapidly growing lesion on her lower lip that bleeds when traumatized. She had undergone cryotherapy and curettage and cautery to several scaly lesions in the past. Twenty years ago she had undergone a renal transplant for renal failure secondary to nephrotic syndrome. She is taking mycophenolate mofetil and azathioprine. When she was a young child she lived in East Africa with her parents who had helped set up a school. She herself had worked with an aid agency based in the United Kingdom. She has a hyperkeratotic cutaneous horn on her lower lip with multiple erythematous scaly patches over the dorsum of the hands, forearms and face.