Fibular hemimelia is a relatively common deficiency of the lower extremity. The incidence rate is about one or two per 100000 live births. As noted in Chapter 37, Congenital short femur and proximal focal femoral deficiency, fibular hemimelia is associated with femoral deficiency in 50 percent of cases (Figure 35.1). Although fibular hemimelia can occur as an ‘isolated’ deficiency, it is the author’s belief that one should treat all children with fibular deficiency as having whole limb involvement to a greater or lesser extent. Fibular hemimelia can be classified into types I and II: type I is mere fibular hypoplasia or partial absence of the fibula and type II is complete absence of the fibula.1 While it is traditional to name the deficiency by the major bone absence, in fibular hemimelia, the extent of involvement of the other bones of the limb often dictates management.