Oropouche virus (OROV) is one of the most prevalent arboviruses that infect humans in the Brazilian Amazon-only Dengue virus (DENV) has caused more infections. OROV is the causative agent of the Oropouche fever [1]. The rst case of Oropouche fever was described in 1955, and the virus was subsequently isolated from the blood sample of a febrile patient resident in a village called Vega de Oropouche in Trinidad, as well as from a pool of mosquitoes Coquillettidia venezuelensis [2]. In Brazil, the virus was recovered in 1960 from the blood of a sloth (Bradypus trydactilus) captured in a wooded area during the construction of the Belém-Brasilia Highway and, also, from a pool of mosquitoes Ochlerotatus serratus captured nearby [3].