Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and cucumbers must be trained vertically to best utilize the growing area of your room. I use plastic string to support the plants to either a series of hooks or a support wire above. If you are growing the plants in a spare bedroom, you probably do not want to suspend wires with hooks along the ceiling. I believe it is more presentable to use decorative hooks (available at garden centers) that are used for hanging plant baskets from your ceiling. Use one hook for each plant. After all, how many plants are you going to grow? Probably no more than 8 to 10 vine crops. One European cucumber plant that produces two to three fruit per week has always been more than enough for my salads. Several pepper plants and five to six tomatoes should be sufficient for all the peppers and tomatoes of an average family. Remember to grow at least one cherry tomato. I have never tasted any better tomato than the cherries!