Profiling involves attempts to predict events of interest and what other events may be associated with the event of interest becoming more or less likely; to identify those events of interest that already have occurred and other events that were associated with their arising, that is, to post-dict; or to identify events of interest that may be occurring now and what other events may be associated with their ongoing presence, that is, to peri-dict. Profiling also involves understanding and influencing events of interest and associated events. So there are five profiling events in attempts to profile events and events of interest. Depending on the situation, even a profiling event may be an event or event of interest to profile-as in establishing that the post-diction of a profiler may be profiled as an event exemplifying an instance of a betrayal of trust by that profiler. (The profiler has been turned by enemies of the state.)

Before we go any further, I want to share the complexity of the term event. It’s something that happens, but not just something for the moment. It may seem to have always been there and may seem always to be there. Or it might be there or have been there for only nanoseconds. It might be the color of one’s skin, a religious belief, the existence of God, how one’s parents drank themselves into oblivion, the color purple, a brief interlude of lust, the shape of the isle of Elba. I often use this term to underline the assumptions about time that characterize how people including profilers view the world. An event may be termed an event of interest when it is the main event-that about which profilers seek to know by knowing other events. Yet again, profilers attempt to know-itself an event-through the five events of prediction, post-diction, peri-diction, understanding, and influencing.