These biomarker patterns will provide more individualized information, which will then provide support to clinicians and selection of optimal therapies.

Thomas O. Joos*

In the previous edition of this book (2005) we spoke of an “omics-driven” paradigm shift toward quantitative biology in which the microarray played a key role. Indeed, we have witnessed the continued advancement of DNA-array-based platforms as powerful gene expression analysis tools for biomarker discovery. Protein arrays continue to play a role in biomarker discovery and validation but are also in demand for both clinical research and clinical diagnostic applications (Yu et al., 2010). Clearly, much debate remains over the clinical role for biomarkers, as well as the validation and regulation of derived multianalyte tests and multivariate index assays (Amur et al., 2008; Tahara et al., 2009; Boja et al., 2011; Smith, 2011; Dimond, 2012; Wellhausen & Seitz, 2012).