This chapter presents an M&S framework for multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) based on DEVS framework for realistic military scenarios. To configure these scenarios, the M&S framework includes models for UAVs and their trajectories, terrain, radars, missiles, and prohibited flying zones. The results obtained by an evolutionary path planner act as a source to this framework. To provide better accuracy, the M&S framework utilizes more complex models than the path planner for all the aforementioned elements. The M&S environment works offline and online, by invoking the path planner in real time to recalculate parts of the original path, to avoid unexpected risks while the UAVs are flying. Since all the models demand intensive computing power, the model was parallelized using DEVS/SOA, a netcentric M&S framework. As described in previous chapters, DEVS is a formalism based on concepts derived from dynamic systems theory. DEVS/SOA is a cross-platform M&S framework that automatically deploys DEVS models using web services through an SOA. We performed both serial and distributed experiments in four different scenarios, which demonstrate that this framework can be used for real-flight missions.