Introduction 64

Indications and Contraindications 64

Preoperative Patient Evaluation and Preparation 65

Techniques 65

Transperitoneal Approach 65

Hand-Assisted Transperitoneal Approach 68

Retroperitoneal Approach 69

Postoperative Patient Management 70

Results 71

Transperitoneal Approach 71

Complications of Standard Transperitoneal Approach 72

Hand-Assisted Transperitoneal Approach 72

Complications of Hand-Assisted Transperitoneal Approach 73

Retroperitoneal Approach 73

Complications of Retroperitoneal Approach 73

Comparison of the Various Laparoscopic Techniques 74

Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy for RCC 74

Overview of Techniques 74

Clinical Results 74

Conclusions 75

References 76


Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for 3% of all adult malignancies, and 23,000 to 28,000 new cases are diagnosed in the USA each year (1,2). Surgical

resection has been the most effective management to cure localized RCC, and

radical nephrectomy has long been considered as the gold-standard (1).

Radical nephrectomy requires en bloc removal of the affected kidney with the

enveloping Gerota’s fascia.