I. Background 451

II. Pathophysiology 452

III. Diagnosis 452

IV. Microbiology 453

V. Treatment 454

References 456

I. Background

Acute sinusitis is defined as an inflammatory reaction of the mucosal lining of the

sinuses that is present for ,30 days. Such a reaction can be infectious or noninfectious and suppurative or nonsuppurative. Frontal, ethmoid, maxillary,

or sphenoid sinuses may be involved. Although the development of ethmoidal

and maxillary sinuses begins in the fetus and continues through late adolescence,

they are difficult to detect by X-ray before the second year of life. The sphenoid

sinuses are developed by the third year; the frontal sinuses are rarely a site of

infections until 6 years of age (1,2). Viral rhinosinusitis is at least 20-200

times more common than bacterial sinusitis (3,4). Therefore, the diagnosis of

Unidad de Investigacio´n en Medicina Tropical y Salud Internacional, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.