I. Background and Definitions 485

II. Pathophysiology 486

III. Microbiology and Diagnosis 486

IV. Antimicrobial Treatment 488

References 489

I. Background and Definitions

Bronchitis is defined as inflammation of the bronchial respiratory mucosa. This

condition often does not exist in children as an isolated clinical entity, but

rather is associated with several other conditions of the upper and lower

respiratory tracts. The clinical definition of bronchitis in children is not well

established. Clinicians typically make the diagnosis for a child with cough of

relatively gradual onset, beginning 3-4 days after the appearance of rhinitis,

with or without fever or sputum production. In a survey conducted in Georgia,

physicians reported up to 102 different combinations of necessary findings to

diagnose acute bronchitis, including presence of rhinitis, cough, wheeze,

bronchial sounds, and fever (1). Almost half of these physicians used a certain

duration of cough or of productive cough as an essential criterion.