I. Introduction 19

II. The Nose 21

III. Nasal Mucous Membranes 22

IV. Nasal Secretions 24

A. Nasal Mucus 24

B. Nasal Seroproteins 27

C. Changes in Nasal Seroproteins with Disease and

Other Conditions 37

V. Discussion 44

A. Clinical Effects of Xerorhinia 45

B. Consequences of Treatment to Control Rhinorrhea

and Other Nasal Usage 47

References 48

I. Introduction

It is commonly assumed that the role of nasal mucus is to bathe mucous membranes

of the upper airways, supplying moisture, electrolytes, and mucinous substances to

moisten their surface, warm, filter, and humidify incoming air, trap inhaled particles

Current affiliation: Wyeth Nutrition, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA.