All of the following have been associated with an increased risk of renal cell carcinoma except:

a. Cigarette smoking b. Severe obesity c. Urinary tract infections d. Use of oral contraceptives e. Use of thiazide diuretics

• Up to 85% of all primary malignant kidney tumors are renal cell carcinomas. Up to 2% of renal cancers are hereditary

• Incidence is 6 to 12 per 100,000 per year in some studies

• Male:female ratio is 2:1

• Almost half of cases are discovered by chance during ultrasonography

• 5-year survival rate is more than 88% for localized tumors but less than 20% for metastatic disease

• Renal cell carcinoma may be characterized by hematuria, flank pain, and a palpable flank mass. However, this triad is not common in early disease

• Stauffer syndrome is characterized by liver function abnormalities in the setting of renal cell carcinoma without liver metastases

• Risk factors include the following:

Tobacco use Severe obesity Other kidney disease Occupational exposure Thiazide medications Urinary tract infections

• Protective effects have been noted in women with moderate alcohol intake and oral contraceptive use