It is estimated that by the year 2010, the American

population will consist of 40.2 million people over the

age of 65. 1 This rise in the aging population has led to

an increase in the number of cosmetic procedures per-

formed each year. According to the American Society

for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) 2006 statistics

report, nearly 11.5 million cosmetic procedures were

In addition, there was

a reported increase in noninvasive procedures with

19% surgical and 81% nonsurgical procedures, being

As is evident from these recent

statistics, cosmetic surgery has embarked on a new

trend toward less invasive procedures.The aging popu-

lation is looking for rejuvenation procedures that

deliver achievable results, yet with reduced downtime

and minimal risk profile. This movement in cosmetic

medicine has been away from invasive and destructive

processes and toward innovative technologies and

techniques that spare tissue and promote growth.