Aesthetic skin rejuvenation (ASR) is certainly not a

new process, and historical accounts date back as many

as four millennia (2000 BC). For thousands of years,

humans (both male and female) have been utilizing

treatments to improve the appearance of a poor com-

plexion or to enhance the beauty of a natural complex-

ion. Throughout the ages, humans have sought out

simple, elective cosmetic methods to improve highly

visible and undesirable permanent cutaneous signs:

facial wrinkles and residual facial scars that may follow

ailments such as acne, smallpox, and chickenpox. 1 The

first examples of such ‘treatments’ were apparently

noted in ancient Egypt and recorded in the famous

Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus, the oldest medical doc-

ument in existence. 2 The description of the wrinkle-

removal recipe prepared from hemayet fruit included

the composition and the technique for application.