Hazard is the mechanism that causes the harm, and exposure the extent, depth, and breadth of the risk as influenced by the nature of the hazard . Thus, if anthrax is plugged into the risk equation, it is a small chore to conclude that anthrax constitutes the type of risk the individual and the collective should avoid . In a policy context, therefore, it makes perfect sense for governments to marshal resources to attack this risk-more so than an avalanche of candy bars from an upended truck . Herein lays the rub-to weigh and factor the risk in light of harm and its scope . Some risks are high, others lower, and some “risks” pose no risk at all . To be sure, terrorism is high up on the list of potential harms that homeland specialist must prepare for . “Terrorism has many faces and countless are the possibilities of implementing an attack against American interests under the umbrella of terrorism .”2 The risk manager must anticipate every imaginable version of terrorist act to properly prepare for it .