Given the discrete event model of a plant and its control specifications, a supervisory control problem is to synthesize a supervisor that couples with the plant such that the resulting system, called the controlled system, satisfies the specified control specifications. In most cases, a fundamental problem is to design a policy that guarantees that the system remains in a set of admissible states, or, equivalently, it never evolves into a specified set of forbidden states. Forbidden state problems are a typical class of control specifications in supervisory control theory of DESs, which are well formulated and addressed by Ramadge and Wonham in the framework of formal languages and automata (Ramadge and Wonham, 1987; Wonham and Ramadge, 1987; Ramadge andWonham, 1989), namely R-W theory. However, R-W theory fails to make use of the structural characteristics of a plant, limiting it to be applied to the real-world systems.