Submucous leiomyomata are leiomyomata that to a greater or lesser degree have a component that distorts the endometrial cavity of the uterus (see Plates 24 and 25). Consequently they may predispose the woman to menorrhagia or to sub­ fertility. Methods to confirm the presence of a submucous leiomyoma are: ultrasound, ultra­ sound with instillation of a contrast medium, hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingography, and mag­ netic resonance imaging. The investigator must define the size of the leiomyoma and the degree of endometrial cavity distortion by the leiomy­ oma to enable an appropriate management strat­ egy to be instituted. The operative management of the submucous leiomyoma can usually be per­ formed on a day-case basis, via a transcervical approach, and is usually straightforward; however complications peculiar to this method can occur and will be discussed in detail.