Synonyms and trade names: 17-alpha-dimethoxy-, methyl ester; 20-alphaYohimbane16-beta-carboxylate; Abesta; Abicol; Adelfan; Adelphane; Adelphin; Alkarau; Alkserp; Apoplon; Ascoserp; Ascoserpina; Banasil; Bioserpine; Crystoserpine; Deserpine; Ebserpine; Elserpine; Gammaserpine; Helfoserpin; Hexaplin; Orthoserpina; Raulolycin; Rauloydin; Raumorine; Rauserpen-Alk; Rauserpin, alkaloid

Reserpine is an odourless, tasteless, ne white or yellow crystalline powder and is insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, acetone, chloroform, and acetic acid. Reserpine on exposure to light turns to dark colour. Reserpine is an herbal extract and an alkaloid. Reserpine is produced by several members of the genus Rauwolfia, a climbing shrub indigenous to Southern and Southeast Asia. Extracts of Rauwolfia serpentina have been used medicinally in India for centuries. They were used in traditional Hindu medicine for a variety of conditions, including snakebite, hypertension, insomnia, and insanity. Reserpine has also been used as a tranquiliser and sedative in animal feeds. Reports also indicate that reserpine also has been used as a radioprotective agent and experimentally as a contraceptive.