Welcome to our view of the lean world. This workbook is designed to provide you with a clearer understanding of the fundamentals of the strategic lean philosophy and introduce you to methods for providing relevant, timely, and actionable information to the decision makers in a lean environment. The workbook is divided into three major parts: (1) lean as a competitive strategy, (2) the nuts and bolts of lean accounting, and (3) accounting controls and transition. Each section of the three parts will walk you carefully through the tools, activities, and philosophies of the concepts presented, as well as provide you with real-world examples and address often asked questions about lean implementations. It is our objective that upon completion of this workbook, you will be able to transition your traditional accounting system into one that is supportive of your lean environment. We believe that this improved information system will enhance your decision making, improve strategic communications, motivate correct behaviors, empower your employees, and ultimately add to your bottom line.